Before and After Images
If you're considering orthodontic treatment for yourself or loved one, please contact our Houston orthodontic office at (281) 493-2370, and schedule a complimentary orthodontic examination by printing the coupon and bringing it to your appointment.
Crowding of the teeth

This patient does not have sufficient space to allow for the eruption of the upper permanent cuspids (eye teeth). The orthodontic treatment created space for the eruption of the permanent cuspids and no permanent teeth were removed to resolve the dental crowding. The timing of orthodontic treatment is important, and Dr. Rose and Dr. Pulver suggest patients have an orthodontic examination when a dental crowding situation exists, even if all the permanent teeth have erupted.
Openbite: Teeth don't touch, and posterior crossbite

This patient sucked her thumb, which contributed the anterior open bite and the posterior cross bite. The thumb-sucking habit prevented the upper front teeth from erupting properly and the palate from properly forming. The patient was treated by first using a device to break the thumb-sucking habit. This was followed with a device to widen the palate. The treatment was completed without the removal of permanent teeth. When a parent observes this type dental development, it would be advisable for them to contact our office and schedule an evaluation appointment with Dr. Rose and Dr. Pulver to discuss treatment options.
Deep overbite: Lower front teeth bite into palate

This type malocclusion is very uncomfortable for the patient and can result in severe irritation of the palatal tissues. A deep bite can also have a negative effect on proper lower jaw function and can also lead to loss of gum tissue over the lower front teeth. Though this type malocclusion can be treated during the adult years, it is advisable to begin treatment while the patient is growing so the growth of the face and jaws can help correct the issue.
Missing upper lateral incisors

This patient's upper lateral incisors were congenitally missing. She had braces for 20 months to move the teeth into the correct position so the missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants at the appropriate age.
Underbite: Lower front teeth in front of upper teeth

This type malocclusion can move the lower front teeth so far forward from the lower front teeth that gum tissue can begin to recede. It is also very difficult for the lower jaw to function through the normal range of motion when it is being held in a forward position by being locked forward by the upper front teeth. These type malocclusions are usually noticeable when the upper and lower permanent teeth start to erupt. It is best to initiate orthodontic treatment before all the permanent teeth have erupted with this type malocclusion.
Overjet: Protruding front teeth

At age ten, the patient had a big overbite with the top teeth protruding beyond the bottom. She had two phases of treatment: the first helped her jaws to grow properly and the second aligned her teeth and bite. At age 13, she was proudly displaying her new smile.
Phase I orthodontic treatment

This young patient and his parents were concerned about the aesthetics and the health of the erupting permanent teeth. His lower front teeth were crowded, and his upper front teeth were displaced from their normal positions. Phase I orthodontic treatment was initiated, and the result produced a significant improvement in his self-confidence, appearance, and dental function. Phase II orthodontic treatment followed after more permanent teeth had erupted.
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Dr. Rose's and Dr. Pulver's Smiles
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