Functional Orthodontic Appliances

06-15-2010, shows an anterior open bite and a constricted palate.

12-15-2010, shows improvement.

View of the appliance in the mouth.
A functional appliance produces light forces that guide dental and jaw development during the facial growth years. Some patients can be initially treated with a functional appliance, generally followed by comprehensive orthodontic treatment after most of the permanent teeth have erupted.
Functional appliances have their greatest success during the time when the permanent teeth start to become more fully developed, usually from age nine to 11. Dr. Rose and Dr. Pulver encourage you to make an appointment to have your child evaluated before all the permanent teeth have erupted, especially if you, or your general dentist, suspect an orthodontic problem is developing or exists.
The photographs show the treatment results from a functional appliance called a "Frozat." Dr. Rose and Dr. Pulver can determine which appliance is appropriate for your child. Call (281) 493-2370 to make an appointment.
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